Challenges | Our Solutions |
Multi Disciplinary Teams (MDT) | We encourage and facilitate easy communication between Psychiatrists, Psychologists and therapists working together at Oaktree to enhance MDT working. |
Cross-Referral to other Professional | All Mental Health clinicians under one umbrella make cross-referral simple and discussions to achieve better clinical decision making seamless and safe. We encourage cross-referrals for better health care with a multidisciplinary team approach. |
Availability of All Treatment Options | Online prescriptions for all drugs including controlled drugs, with all safety procedures in place makes the process simple for both the clinician and the patient. |
Training & CPD | At Oaktree Connect you will have access to online CPD material specially gauged towards safe and effective private practice. You will have access to this if you require. |
Challenges | Our Solutions |
Access to Clinical Resources | We have developed extensive database of diagnostic & monitoring tools for your practice, to share with your clients when required. |
Electronic Patient Records | Oaktree Connect has its own accessible, cloud-based, secure and intuitive electronic patient records system for effective and safe private practice. |
Communication with Patients | We will handle all the calls from your clients in connection with your private practice and contact you only when necessary. |
Challenges | Our Solutions |
Online Reputation & Marketing | We will manage Online Reputation, patient feedback, and market your services through SEO and Social Media. |
Financial Management | Payments, billing and invoice management will all be managed for you on the system and by our administrative team. |
Expensive Indemnity for Private Work | We have negotiated cheaper corporate deals for indemnity insurance cover so all our clinicians get better than market prices on their premiums. |
Low fee rates from Private Medical Insurers (PMI) | We have worked with Private Medical Insurance providers for better fee rates for clinicians registered with us and their families. |