Private ADHD Assessment Online & Face to Face
Oaktree offers excellent online and in-person ADHD assessments, empowering individuals to live life to the fullest.

Who is our online ADHD assessment service for?
If you suffer from symptoms of inattention, impulsivity, hyperactivity with this affecting your ability to function in any aspects of your life or enjoyment of things you love then this service is for you.
We offer face to face and online ADHD assessment service by private psychiatrists to teenagers and young people (15-25 years old), adults (25 plus) their families and carers, as well as professionals and employers located across England.
Here three of our working age adult patients describe life with ADHD and how treatment has helped.
Aim of an ADHD Assessment

Our private ADHD assessment service aims to offer comprehensive diagnostic assessment, treatment, ongoing care and support for adolescents and adults with a diagnosis of ADHD and their families.
Our team seek to improve the lives of young people, and adults, as well as those who care for them. Services for ADHD are often fragmented, after diagnosis, you may face difficulties accessing meaningful and expert support.
At Oaktree we offer a “one-stop service” that is holistic and evidence-based. We provides diagnostic ADHD assessment, a menu of therapeutic interventions to meet a wide range of needs, and specialist consultation to families and careers as well as employers, if required.
Assessment Process at Oaktree
Private ADHD Pre-Assessment
We require some information before the assessment as it allows us to provide a more accurate diagnosis and ensures you are prepared for the main assessment stage. During the pre-assessment we will require:
- Completion of provided Adult ADHD Self Report Scale questionnaire (ASRS)
- Self Report of symptoms
- Access to any prior assessments and reports
- School reports if available

Online and Face to Face ADHD Assessment for Teenagers and Adults

One of our experienced psychiatrists will conduct a diagnostic evaluation using evidence-based tools and diagnostic criterion. It is best to attend with family or close friend to provide their views about your issues too. The clinician will be looking for the following:
The psychiatrist will use the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) V (international diagnostic coding system) criteria for ADHD to establish diagnosis, if there is one.
They will also go through your questionnaires, school reports and any other medical reports from the past.
They will ask you for prior physical health related history and if you are on any medication.
Please note that medication cannot be commenced on initial assessment appointment.
Diagnosis, Pre-Treatment Tests, Referrals
Following your online ADHD assessment, your clinician will discuss risks and benefits of commencing the long-term medication and the side effects with you.
Blood Tests & ECG– They will request blood tests and ECG from your GP or private lab before commencing medication, to ensure good physical health. These include, liver function, Urea and electrolytes, diabetes test & heart monitoring (ECG)
Medication- Once the medication is started, you will be asked to check your BP twice daily, daily food intake and weekly weight measurement. You will need to maintain a log of these physical health parameters for two weeks after commencing treatment with the stimulant medication.
Psychological interventions –These are helpful to deal with the impact of having to live with a disabling disorder such as ADHD and to develop behavioural strategies to overcome issues such as difficulty in organising and prioritising.

Starting Medication and treatment

Treatment for ADHD is often an ongoing process. This will include the following:
Assessment of response to treatment-This is done by seeing your specialist psychiatrist online regularly, once the medication is started. At first you will need follow up appointments with your psychiatrist for dose adjustments, this is called titration, roughly every 2-4 weeks.
Titration takes between 3- 5 appointments.
Shared Care with GP- Once your medication is established, we will be able to agree shared care with your GP by writing to them. If the shared care is agreeable to the GP then you will be able to receive your NHS prescription from them, saving on privately purchased medication.
Annual Blood Investigations– liver function, Urea and electrolytes, diabetes test & (ECG) with GP